Friday 24 October 2008

Hey everyone!!!

How are you guys? well, I'm fine here....I'm back!!! It was such a long break....
Currently, I'm working on my dissertation. I still have approximately 5 weeks to go for my submission. So far, I'm doing fine i guess...Need to put more x3 effort to get a good result..

I was browsing through the net, suddenly I saw one image which really caught my attention. As you can see above, that's the picture I'm talking about.

Well, some might agree and some might not...But I don't give a damn.!!..
I believe there is only ONE GOD in This Universe...Well, the paths (religions) that we follow might lead us in a different directions. But eventually all of us are reaching the same destiny.
No religion teach us to be Bad..or do evil..
No holy books (Bible, Quran or Vedas ) teach us to be Bad...

So, all of us are the SAME....

So, stop talking bad about other cultures....If can try to learn about other cultures and the way of their living.. As now, we are surrounded with multi- racial people, I think is better for us to know about their culture and norms.

As I always say to myself...I don't think That I'm knowledgeable if i only know about my religion. I need to know about other religions too...Thats how I respect my own religion and other religions.....


Shamrat Guna